Movie Name | Sleeping beauty |
Release Year | 1959 |
Directors | Clyde Geronimi |
Producers | Walt Disney |
Writers | Erdman Penner, Charles Perrault (Original Story) |
Produced By | Walt Disney Productions |
Released By | Buena Vista Distribution |
Language | English |
Country | United States |
Running Time | 1 hour and 15 minutes |
Released date | January 29, 1959 |
Story (sleeping beauty full movie (1959)):

Introduction(sleeping beauty full movie (1959)):
The movie “sleeping beauty full movie (1959)” is about a girl named Aurora. Far away, there lived a king with his queen but a long time passed and they didn’t have any kids. One day, there wish came true and they were blessed with a beautiful girl whom they named Aurora. Everyone was given a holiday on that day so that they could come and give the little princess their blessings.
King met his friend:
Everyone was happy. King Stefan and his wife Queen Leah made a good reception of his friend. King Hubert and his son Prince Phillip came to meet the little princess. Both the king had decided before that whenever they had kids they will marry them. This will unite both kingdoms. They announced their engagement.
Three good fairies gave gift to Aurora:
Three good fairies came to meet Princess Aurora whose names were Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. All of them gave her a blessing as a gift. The first fairy gave her the gift of beauty. The second fairy gave her the gift of sweet voice. When the third fairy was about to gave her gift, suddenly the weather got bad and a malevolent fairy Maleficent came.
A bad fairy gave the little princess curse:
She saw the princess and gave her a curse that indeed she will be very beautiful and had beautiful sweet voice but when she will turn 16, she will prick her finger by a needle of a spinning wheel and this will be the reason for her death. After this the bad fairy leaves. All the people got upset. The king ordered his soldiers to catch her but she escaped.
King burned all spinning wheels:
Since Merryweather’s gift was pending so she gave her a gift that whenever you will pick your finger with the needle of the spinning wheel, you will fall into sleep and you can only wake up with the expression of your true love. But the king for her daughter’s safety burned all the spinning wheels of the village.
Fairies take a decision for princess aurora:
The fairies also think different methods for her safety and they all agree to this that they will disguise themselves as old women and took Aurora with them and live a simple live without magic in a forest. No one will ever know that they are fairies and the orphan girl is princess. The king and the Queen also agree on this. The three fairies took the princess and the time passes and the princess was about to turn 16.
Maleficent send his crow to search princess aurora:
Maleficent didn’t know about the location of the princess which mad her angry. She sends some of her solders to find the princess but they could not find her because they were finding her in the cradles. This made her angrier and then she sends her crow for the search. The crow went out for searching Princess Aurora. On the other hand, the good fairies treated Aurora as their own daughter and named her Briar Rose.
Fairies prepared for princess’s birthday:
The fairies were preparing for the celebration of her birthday and send her out to get something. There, she met a boy and together they sing and dance. That’s how they became friends. Both started to like each other. On the other side, the fairies use their magic for the dress, cake and clean the house. The crow saw them using magic. When rose came back, she was very happy to see this.
Fairies told princess his all past:
When rose told them about the boy, they told her that you are already engaged and that she is a princess. When they were telling her about the truth, the crow also overhears them and he told Maleficent everything. On the other side, both kings were also happy about the return of Aurora in the palace and that they will marry their children.
Aurora loves the prince:
When Hubert told Prince Phillip about his marriage with Aurora then he told him they he loved someone else. This made the king angry. He starts thinking that how will he tell this to his friend? But they didn’t know that they love each other. Aurora didn’t know that the boy she loves is actually Prince Phillip. Neither did Prince Phillip know that she is Princess Aurora.
Aurora in danger:
The fairies sneaking took her to the palace and leave her alone for some time. Then Maleficent came there and prick her finger with the spinning wheel’s needle and the Princess fell in a deep sleep. The people were waiting for the princess in the palace. The fairies were upset and they didn’t want to tell anyone about this so they made them fall asleep until princess didn’t wake up. But when a fairy hears King Hubert saying this while he was drunk that Phillip loves an ordinary girl and he met her in dreams.
Happy ending (sleeping beauty full movie (1959)):
This made her realize that Phillip loves Aurora because Aurora also said the same thing that she loves a boy whom she met in her dreams. On the other side, Maleficent kidnapped Prince Phillip and took her at the forbidden mountain. The fairies help him escape from there and he fights with Maleficent and kill her bravely. After that they took him to the palace where he woke her up with the expression of his true love and together they went to the kings who were waiting for them. The kings were happy to see them together and they lived happily ever after.

Sleeping beauty full movie (1959) Main Character Invoices
1 | Character | Voice Actor |
2 | Princess Aurora | Mary Costa |
3 | Prince Phillip | Bill Shirley |
4 | Maleficent | Eleanor Audley |
5 | Flora | Verna Felton |
6 | Fauna | Barbara Jo Allen |
7 | Merryweather | Barbara Luddy |
8 | King Stefan | Taylor Holmes |
9 | King Hubert | Bill Thompson |
10 | Maleficent’s Goons | Eleanor Audley |
Character profile(sleeping beauty full movie (1959)):
Three fairies:
The three fairies took Aurora in the forest so that Maleficent would not be able to hurt her. They leave everything for the sake of the little Princess and treat her like their own daughter. They didn’t let Aurora miss anything and didn’t even tell her about the truth.
Villain’s Profile (sleeping beauty full movie (1959)):
The villain of the movie is Maleficent. When King Stefan was blessed with a daughter, she went there and cursed her to die. She also kidnaps Prince Phillip so that he would not be able to help Princess Aurora.
Did you Notice!
Prince Phillip was not happy at first about marrying Aurora, his future wife. Instead, he fell in love with a stranger, who, by fate, turned out to be Aurora herself.

Life Lessons (sleeping beauty full movie (1959)):
- We should not think bad about anyone.
- We can confront anything if we had a true love.
- Bad deeds have bad outcomes.
- The truth always wins.
- We should always think for others before ourselves.
Question for you
Maleficent just cursed Aurora. Did she have any enmity with the king?
The crow found her in one day. Did he take the start from the forest?
If Maleficent would arrive before the three fairies then would the fairies be able to protect her from the curse?
Answer in the comments and for more posts The Snow Queen 4 Full Movie like visit Flicker Tales.
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