Movie Name | The Rescuers Down Under |
Release Year | 1990 |
Directors | Hendel Butoy, Mike Gabriel |
Producers | Thomas Schumacher |
Screenplay By | Jim Cox, Karey Kirkpatrick, Byron Simpson, Joe Ranft |
Produced By | Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Released By | Buena Vista Pictures Distribution |
Language | English |
Country | United States |
Running Time | 1 hour and 17 minutes |
Release Date | November 16, 1990 |
Box Office | $47.4 million |
Story (The Rescuers down under Review):

Introduction (The Rescuers down under Review):
The movie “The Rescuers down under Review” is about an adventure of the Rescue Aid Society. The movie starts in a deserted area where a boy named Cody was sleeping in his home.
Rescue Call:
Suddenly, he heard a strange voice which was actually a call for him that another animal was in danger and he had to save him so he quickly ran for it.
Cody on rescue (The Rescuers down under Review):
On his way, he alerted all the animals for the rescue. A kangaroo told him that a rare golden eagle was trapped in ropes when he reached the spot. He was the only person who could save her as he had to climb all the way to a high cliff.
Cody climbed the cliff:
So, the kangaroo took him to that place and Cody then climbed on the cliff. There, he saw that the golden eagle was tied in the ropes and was very scared.
Little boy in danger:
Cody quickly went to save him. He cut the ropes with a small knife but the eagle was scared so she mistakenly pushed him from the cliff. But soon she flew in the air and saved him from falling.
Eagle ride:
Then she gave him a ride on her back and gifted him a golden feather. When Cody was returning back, he heard a ringing bell which caught his attention.
Boy saved the mouse:
He followed the sound of those bells and found that a mouse was tied with a rope. He went to free the mouse but it was a trap set by a human named McLeach.
Cody caught in a trap:
The mouse tried to avoid him from coming that way but he didn’t listen and went to untie the mouse. When he untied him, he himself fell in a giant hole dug by McLeach to catch different animals.
Cody met McLeach:
There was an alarm in that hole which alerted McLeach and he left his place to catch that animal but when he saw the boy he was very disappointed.
Joanna attacked mouse:
He was about to free him but Joanna, the lizard that was with that man saw the mouse in his bag and attacked him which caught McLeach’s attention and he saw the golden feather on his back.
The Golden Eagle:
He realized that the little kid knew the location of the female golden eagle and its eggs. He asked again and again about the location but how could he put the eagle’s life in danger when he had saved him earlier?
Cody’s Kidnap:
So he didn’t reveal the secret and McLeach took him with him. The entire scene was witnessed by the mouse that Cody saved and he quickly ran to help. The mice send signals to the Rescue Aid Society that a boy named Cody is kidnapped and need their help.
Dinner in a restaurant (The Rescuers down under Review):
On the other side, Miss Bianca and Bernard were having a dinner at a fancy restaurant, when suddenly Bernard tried to propose Miss Bianca but his ring fell on the ground and he excused her for a moment.
Miss Bianca got the news:
That was the time when Miss Bianca had the news that a boy is kidnapped and they had to save him. So they left for the Orville flight service.
Wilber’s ride:
But instead of Orville, they met Wilber who thought them a couple and suggested some fancy and romantic places to enjoy their trip and didn’t wanted to leave at that time as the weather was very bad but he came to know that a boy is kidnapped, he agreed and left for the ride.
Rescue Aid Team met Jake (The Rescuers down under Review):
When they reach their a mouse named Jake stopped them from landing as the bird was very big but he still landed there and had some back problems so they sent him for a checkup.
Cody in cage:
On the other side, McLeach locked him in a cage where a lot of other animals were captured and locked.
Cody, a motivational speaker:
The animals were very hopeless but Cody raised their morale and wanted them to try for their lives as they can find a new way together.
Joanna ruined their plan:
Suddenly they saw the keys to all the cages and together they tried to get it but Joanna reached there and ruined their plan.
Frank released:
Frank tried again and tried to open the lock with his tail. He was successful but got so excited and starts celebrating his freedom.
McLeach got the boy (The Rescuers down under Review):
He got the keys and gave it to the boy but Joanna came and McLeach also came there. He locked them up again. Miss Bianca, Bernard and Jake took a ride on a snake and also reached there.
McLeach’s plan:
On the other side, McLeach was thinking of a plan to get the Eagle and her eggs. He thought of a way and used the boy. He freed him and told him that he got the eagle but the eggs were still there.
Eagle in danger:
His plan worked and Cody went to the place where the golden eagle was living. The Rescue aid team also reached there and alerted them that it was trap set by McLeach to get the Eagle but it was too late.
McLeach got the Eagle:
He got the eagle, Cody and Miss Bianca and Jake but Bernard saved himself and the eggs by replacing them with rocks that look exactly like them.
Rocks in water:
Joanna threw the eggs in the water. McLeach then tied Cody with ropes and used him as bait for the crocodiles but Bernard reached there on time.

Happy Ending (The Rescuers down under Review):
He saved all of them and McLeach fell in the water instead. First the crocodiles chased him and then he fell from the waterfall. Cody also fell in the water but the golden eagle saved him. At last, Bernard with a lot of courage proposed Bianca and they lived happily ever after.
The Rescuers down under Review Main Character Invoices
No | Characters | Voice Actor |
1 | Bernard | Bob Newhart |
2 | Miss Bianca | Eva Gabor |
3 | Wilbur | John Candy |
4 | Cody | Adan Ryen |
5 | Percival C. McLeach | George C. Scott |
6 | Marahute | Frank Welker |
7 | Jake | Tristan Rogers |
8 | Red | Peter Firth |
9 | Frank | Wayne Robson |
10 | Krebbs | Douglas Seale |
11 | Faloo | Carla Meyer |
12 | Chairmouse | Bernard Fox |
13 | Nurse Mouse | Russi Taylor |
14 | Bait mouse | Billy Barty |
15 | Francios | Ed Gilbert |
16 | The Airplane Captain and The radio announcer | Peter Greenwood |
Character Profile (The Rescuers down under Review):
Cody was a good boy who lived in a deserted area where he used to talk with the animals and saved the lives of many animals. He endangered his own life to save the rare eagle and her eggs. When he was in the cage, he didn’t give up and used his mind to escape and free the other animals. At last, he was used as bait for the crocodiles but he was saved by the Rescue Aid Society.
Villain’s Profile (The Rescuers down under Review):
McLeach is the villain in the movie. He was a bad guy who caught many animals and used them for money. McLeach had different type of animals in the cages. He also had a pet lizard named Joanna that was always with him and helped him to catch the animals. McLeach even kidnapped the little boy Cody for his benefit as the boy knew the location of a rare golden eagle but the boy was not telling him. At the end, he even risked the life of the boy and tried to use him as bait for crocodiles but he himself fell in the water and then fell from the water fall.

Did you Notice!
In both adventures of the Rescue Aid Society the villains had wild animals as pets that worked on their orders and never harmed their prisoners.
Life Lessons (The Rescuers down under Review):
- We should never harm anyone for our benefit.
- Never be greedy.
- Be kind to the animals and children.
- We should always help those in need.
- Always think for a new solution for your problem and never get disappointed.
- Try hard and hard and never quit.
Question for you
What would you do if you have to choose among your life or an animal’s life?
Answer in the comments and for more posts like Wreck-It Ralph 2012 Review visit Flicker Tales.