Movie Name | Snow White And Seven Dwarfs |
Release Year | 1937 |
Directors | David Hand |
Producers | Walt Disney |
Produced By | Walt Disney Productions |
Released By | RKO Radio Pictures |
Language | English |
Country | United States |
Running Time | 1 hour and 23 minutes |
Budget | $1.5 millions |
Story (Snow White And Seven Dwarfs)

Introduction (Snow White And Seven Dwarfs):
The movie “Snow White and seven dwarfs” is about a girl named snow white who lived with her evil step mother in the castle. The step mother or we can say the queen was so cruel but was very beautiful and being obsessed with her beauty, she made Snow White a slave in her own castle.
The magic mirror:
Snow White used to work as slave wearing a torn dress. The queen had a magic mirror which she used to ask a question that who is the most beautiful among the whole kingdom? For many years, the mirror replied as she wanted but one day, the mirror replied with someone else qualities.
Evil Queen’s Plan:
The queen quickly recognized her as Snow white and ordered a huntsman to kill her and bring her heart in a box as a proof.
Snow White’s Wish:
One day, Snow white was singing while doing her chores. some pigeons fly from there and she told them that the well they were standing in front of, was a magical well which can fulfill your wishes. You just have to sing in the well and if you heard an echo, your wish will be granted.
First meet up with Prince:
Suddenly, a handsome man appeared and sang with her. Snow White ran into the castle and there, from a window, the queen was seeing them in anger. After the queen’s order, the huntsman took Snow White to the forest to kill her but his heart didn’t allow him to do so. So he told her about the Queen’s plan and asked her to ran in the forest and never return.
Scared Girl:
Snow White got scared and ran in the forest. As she was scared, she was seeing everything horrible and then she fell to the ground. Little animals and birds started surrounding her. When she became a little calm, she had a talk with those animals and the animals took her to a small house deep in the forest.
Dwarf House:
No one was around. The house was dirty so she thought of cleaning it and with the help of animals; she cleaned everything before someone return. She saw seven small chairs and seven small beds and thought that this is a house of seven kids who didn’t have a mother. Snow white after completing all the chores fell asleep.
Dwarfs Back Home:
When the dwarfs return and saw the lights on they thought that there is a monster in their house. They wanted to kill it but when they saw Snow White, they were very amazed to see her beauty. Snow White woke up and found dwarfs looking at her.
Dwarfs accepted her request:
She told them about the Queen’s evil plan and wanted them to allow her to stay in their house. Everyone accepted accept Grumpy. They had a lot of fun with her. Next day, when they were leaving for work, they advised her not to open doors for anyone and to be careful.
Queen knew the truth:
On the other side, Queen again asked her magical mirror the same question and it again said that the most beautiful girl is Snow White. She said that it is impossible as Snow White is dead but later she found out that the heart she had in the box is of a sheep.
Witch’s Disguise:
She disguised herself as a witch, old woman and fulfills this task of killing Snow White on her own. While the innocent girl was baking a pie for Grumpy; the evil witch reached there and asked her some water. Innocent girl took her in and after that the witch gave her an apple saying that eating this apple will fulfill her wishes.
Dangerous Apple:
But the apple was spelled and after eating it she will sleep deep like death. She ate it. The animals after seeing the witch quickly informed the dwarfs, but it was too late. Witch ran after seeing the dwarfs coming back and in the attempt ran from a cliff and died. The dwarfs made a coffin of gold and jewels for her as they thought she was dead and visited her every day.

Happy Ending:
After a long time, the prince in order to find Snow White heard of a girl sleeping in the coffin and when he reach there, his love woke Snow White up and he took her with him in his castles and they live happily ever after.
Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Main Character Invoices
No | Characters | Voice Actor |
1 | Snow White | Adriana Caselotti |
2 | Queen | Lucille La Verne |
3 | Magic Mirror | Moroni Olsen |
4 | Huntsman | Stuart Buchanan |
5 | Prince | Harry Stockwell |
6 | Doc | Roy Atwell |
7 | Happy | Otis Harlan |
8 | Grumpy | Pinto Colvig |
9 | Sleepy | Pinto Colvig |
10 | Bashful | Scotty Mattraw |
11 | Dopey | Eddie Collins |
12 | Sneezy | Billy Gilbert |
13 | Witch | La Verne |
Character Profile (Snow White And Seven Dwarfs):
The dwarfs in the movie are named after their behavior as happy, grumpy, sneezy, bashful and sleepy. They were also very kind-hearted and live a simple live except of their job in the jewel mine. The Dwarfs had a small house in the forest far away from the others. They were very helpful for Snow White as they provide her shelter to live and even do things like dancing and singing for her to make her happy. At the end of the movie, they were very scared for the girl’s life that they left everything behind to save her.
Villain’s Profile (Snow White And Seven Dwarfs):
Queen was Snow White’s step-mother and she was so obsessed with her beauty that she could even kill someone if she found someone more beautiful then her just like she did with her step daughter. She also was a cruel and cold-hearted woman as she wanted her step-daughter’s heart in a box as a proof. She was also very jealous of the Prince loving Snow White.

Did you Notice (Snow White And Seven Dwarfs):
Grumpy did not wanted her to live with them but he still cares for her and advices her not to open the doors for anyone.
The dwarfs worked in a jewel mine but they still have a small house that was just enough for all of them neither less nor more.
The Dwarfs live in the forest far away from others but still know about the evil queen very much.
Life Lessons (Snow White And Seven Dwarfs):
- Don’t let any stranger enter your house if you are alone.
- Never believe someone easily that can also risk for your life.
- Excessive desire of anything can destroy your whole life.
- Never forget the difference between good and bad.
- Try to find happiness in what you have, even if it is little.
- Treat everyone with kindness.
- You can win everyone’s heart with your good attitude and kind behavior.
Question for you
Snow White was a stranger for all the dwarfs but after hearing from her that she is a princess, they allowed her to stay with them. Would you allow a stranger to stay with you like they did?
Answer in the comments and for more posts like Cinderella visit Flicker Tales.
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