Movie Name | Sword in the stone |
Release Year | 1963 |
Directors | Wolfgang Reitherman |
Producers | Walt Disney |
Screenplay By | Bill Peet |
Produced By | Walt Disney Productions |
Released By | Buena Vista Distributions |
Language | English |
Country | United States |
Running Time | 1 hour and 19 minutes |
Budget | $3 millions |
Story (Sword in the stone):

History (Sword in the stone):
The movie “Sword in the stone” is about the history of England where after the death of a good king, people were waiting for a miracle to decide the new king for their country. Then, there appeared a sword stuck in the stone that had golden letters written on it that whoever would be able to get this sword out of the stone would be the new king of England. Years passed and no one was able to get the sword out and England remained without a king. After that, the cruel people tried everything to oppress the innocent.
In a dangerous forest, there lived a wizard named Merlin who had the knowledge of the future. He also had a wise talking owl. Merlin already known that a boy about 11 or 12 years old will come to him and Merlin has to help him so he started preparing for it.
Kay and Wart in forest:
Meanwhile, Kay and Wart (whose real name was Arthur) went to the forest for hunting. Kay spotted a dear and aimed at it. But was missed it due to Wart’s distraction and his arrow went into the forest. Wart in order to get escape from Kay’s anger quickly went to the forest to find the arrow. While he was finding the arrow, he mistakenly fell in Merlin’s house.
Wart in Merlin’s house:
Merlin told him that he had already known about his arrival. Wart told him that he had to go back to the castle. Meanwhile, Ector (who had adopted Wart) was worrying about his life as he had gone into the dangerous forest. Suddenly, Wart and Merlin reached the castle safely.
Merlin in the castle:
At first, Ector didn’t believe that Merlin is a real wizard but when Merlin showed him some magic them he believed. Ector gave the castle’s oldest room for Merlin to live. Next day, Merlin and Wart went to the nearby pond to learn Wart’s first lesson.
Swimming Lesson:
Merlin turned both of them into fish. A frog started teasing Wart but while getting rid of it, a big fish started chasing him in order to eat him. First, Wart escaped using his knowledge but then Merlin’s owl helped him and saved him.
Lesson of Gravity:
Next day, Merlin turned Wart into a squirrel to teach him gravity but a female squirrel fell in love with him. Wart tried to explain him that he is a human but she didn’t understand. While getting rid of her, Wart fell from the tree where a wolf was waiting to eat him but the other squirrel helped him. Merlin tuned him back to his human form due to which the female squirrel got sad.
Contest In London:
While learning all these things, Wart often gets punishment from Sir Ector. One day, a friend of Sir Ector brings news in the castle that a contest is going to be held in London and whoever wins will be the next king of England. Sir Ector started training his son Kay for that contest so he can be the next king.
Flying Lesson:
The next lesson of Wart was of flying and this time, the owl becomes his teacher. In the starting, wart was flying very well but a eagle then started following him and to save himself from the eagle, Wart entered a house in the forest which was the house of a witch named Madame Mim.

Magical War:
Madame Mim saw everything in an evil way. He wanted to kill Wart but at the last moment, Merlin appeared and a magical war was held between Merlin and Mim. Despite Mim’s cheating, Merlin won and saved Wart. Back in the castle, Wart was made Kay’s squire which made Merlin angry and he left for Bermuda.
The sword in the stone is out:
On the day of contest, everyone was gathered to see that who will be the new king of England. Wart remembered that he forgot Kay’s sword in the castle and on Kay’s order, he went back to get it but when he reach there the castle was locked and no one was there. The owl asked him to take the sword that was stuck in the stone.
The End:
Wart easily managed to get the sword out of the stone and took it back to Kay. When everyone saw the sword, they asked him about it but after knowing his story, no one believed. They ask him to do it again to prove it and when he did so everyone made him the new king of England.
Sword in the stone Main Character Invoices
No | Characters | Voice Actor |
1 | Sir Ector | Sebastian Cabot |
2 | Merlin | Karl Swenson |
3 | Arthur | Rickie Sorenson, Richard Reitherman, Robert Reitherman |
4 | Archimedes | Junius Mathews |
5 | Madam Mim | Martha Wentworth |
6 | Sir Kay | Norman Alden |
7 | Sir Pelinore | Alan Napier |
8 | Sir Bart | Thurl Ravenscroft |
Character Profile (Sword in the stone):
Merlin was a magician who lived in a dangerous jungle and had the knowledge of the future. He had already known about Arthur that he will be the one who will do great thing. So, he was given the responsibility of teaching him different things. He tried hard to teach him many aspects of knowledge but Arthur only want to be Sir Kay squire. Merlin left him when he saw that the boy who was responsible for a great job in the future is dreaming to be a squire but soon Arthur become the king of England.

Villain’s Profile (Sword in the stone):
Sir Ector and Sir Kay:
Sir Ector was Arthur’s guardian and Sir Kay was Ector’s son. Ector took the responsibility for raising up Arthur and then he took work like a servant in the castle. He wanted his son to be the next king and rule England. Ector also tried to cheat everyone thinking that once the sword is out everyone would be able to take it out so he asked his son to try after Wart (Arthur) had got the sword out of the stone but he failed.
Did you Notice!
Merlin and Wart (Arthur) were still able to talk like humans after becoming fish and squirrels while they were having lessons.
Life Lessons (Sword in the stone):
- One should never consider himself weak; your courage can lead you to achieve big things.
- Age is not a factor that can stop you achieve big things.
- You should not leave a single chance to learn new things.
- Courage, determination and will power are essential factors to learn something.
Question for you
What would you do if you were given a chance to learn new amazing things in your life?
Would you give it a try and achieve big things or think as same as Arthur?
Answer in the comments and for more posts like The Rescuers visit Flicker Tales.
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